Open Call
Open Call for the Meet Cute
A networking event connecting artists & curators
LJUBLJANA ART WEEKEND invites you to apply for its Open Call to participate in Meet Cute, a networking event connecting artists and curators which will take place in Cukrarna Gallery on Friday, 24 May 2024, between 10.00 and 12.00, during the third edition of LJUBLJANA ART WEEKEND.
The event will give the selected applicants a chance to sit down with an international group of renowned curators (Tevž Logar, Mara Ambrožič Verderber, Tereza Jindrová, Ana Simona Zelenović, Caterina Avataneo, Marijana Schneider, Tīna Pētersone & ETC.) and present their work. We invite artists who are looking to gain insight into their work and expand their presence internationally.
The participants will be selected by ETC. Magazine. A public lottery at Cukrarna Gallery on Friday, May 24th, will determine who will become the recipient of the LJUBAW grant, a cash prize equal to the sum of the entirety of collected application fees. In line with this year's ETC. Magazine and LJUBAW's thematic focus on precarious working conditions and (free) labour, especially in the arts, it was decided that the LJUBAW grant does not require reporting or production of any kind; the lucky winner of the draw is free to spend the money whenever and on whatever they wish.
The requirements:
Visual artists below the age of 45 years old can apply
Each applicant had to have showcased in at least three solo exhibitions in referenced national and international spaces
You apply with a single PDF file application form, containing the following:
A biography, in English, including your personal info (first and last name, gender pronouns, date of birth, address, email, phone number, website, and social media channels)
A short artist statement in English, explaining why you'd like to participate
A link to a portfolio with a selection of your work (max 5 projects), either on Dropbox or on Google Drive – to ensure PDF files are not too large, we are accepting links only
A 15 EUR application fee. Please note that the application is not complete without payment: RAVNIKAR GALLERY SPACE, Levstikova ulica 3, Ljubljana, SI—1000, VAT SI98761189, IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 7968 239, BIC: HDELSI22
In the selection process, we will consider the quality of the application as well as applicants’ international activities. Priority will be given to artists who will demonstrate a well-developed body of work that is also lacking international attention. We will be receiving them by email only at We respectfully notify all applicants we will not be able to respond to each email individually to confirm the receipt.
Application Deadline Extended: Apply Now Until [April 26, 2024]
The candidates chosen to participate in the Portfolio Review will be notified in May 2024.
Open Call is published in English only, as it is intended for an international artistic community