MAY 23 — 25, 2025




Entry to all the venues, included in the Ljubljana Art Weekend network, is free from Friday, 24th, to Sunday, 26th of May, every day between 12.00 and 18.00.


Gallery brunch and guided tour with gallery director
@Galerija Fotografija, Trubarjeva 72

Face to Face
Group exhibition of represented artists on the occasion of Galerija Fotografija’s 20th anniversary

Artists: Uroš Abram, Roger Ballen, Janez Bogataj, Bojan Brecelj, Simon Chang, DK, Boris Gaberščik, Ciril Jazbec, Stojan Kerbler, Tereza Kozinc, Matjaž Krivic, Andrej Lamut, Diana Lui, Tilyen Mucik, Nik Erik Neubauer, Boštjan Pucelj, Janez Pukšič, Sara Rman, Blaž Rojs, Lucija Rosc, Euro Rotelli, Klavdij Sluban, Metka Vergnion, Ana Zibelnik, Joco Žnidaršič
Curated by: Hana Čeferin, Barbara Čeferin


ARTWALK: Do what you love and you won’t have to work a day in your life
Curated by ETC

@Meeting Point: Galerija Fotografija, Trubarjeva cesta 72

On a curated walk through the spaces that are in one way or another related to ETC. magazine, we will meet some of the artists featured in the three issues published so far. In addition to learning more about their artistic practices, our encounters with them will also shed light on conditions of labour in art, the state (and lack) of working spaces and other challenges a working artist faces today. 

Places are limited. Registration required at hello@ljubljanaartweekend.com.
Please note that Artwak will be conducted in English.

More info


Guided tour
Manca Juvan: Istanbul - Faces of Freedom
@Moderna galerija MG+, Cankarjeva 15

A guided tour with the artist Manca Juvan of the exhibition Istanbul - Faces of Freedom, which explores the freedom of urban, metropolitan life, and draws attention to changes in urban spaces.

Guided tour in Slovene


Guided tour
@Cankarjev dom, Prešernova cesta 10 

Maria Lassnig: Drawings and Paintings
Solo exhibition

Curated by: Peter Pakesch (Maria Lassnig Foundation), Katarina Hergouth (Cankarjev dom)

Guided tour with the co-curator of the exhibition, Katarina Hergouth. Places are limited. Registration required at kristina.jermancic@cd-cc.si


Guided tour with the curators 
@Midas, Ajdovščina 4

Selling Out
Group exhibition

Artists: Željka Aleksić, Arbajt Kolektiv, Bare Minimum Collective, Kemil Bekteši, Nataša Berk, Vuk Ćuk, Polina Davydenko, FaceOrFactory, Santa France, Lin Gerkman, Evgen Čopi Gorišek, Ieva Kraule-Kūna & Elīna Vītola, Nika Kupyrova, Pita Project, Selma Selman, Maja Simišić, Barbora Šimková, Dorijan Šiško, Andrej Škufca, Tadej Vaukman, Linda Vilka, Katarzyna Wyszkowska, Rafał Żarski, Kata Geibl.

Curated by:
ETC., Tīna Pētersone


Open Studio
@Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Erjavčeva 23

Open Studio is an exciting opportunity to meet the students from the Department of Sculpture under the mentorship of artist and professor, Maja Smrekar, at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design. The guided tour will offer an insight into the process of their work and their developing practices. 

Participating students: Vesna Markič, Lana Hasić, Ema Ajster, Kate Murphy, Tin Pavlič Jernej Hrovat, Jera Dacar, Daša Grum, Urša Marolt, Roko Rebić, Emira Bećirović, Lučka Centa, Maja Gregl, Tajda Stiplovšek - Jug


Guided tour 
@Kamera Gallery, Kino Šiška, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 3

Virtual Ground
Group exhibition 

Artists: Maja Bojanić, Matej Mihevc, Dorijan Šiško, Lara Žagar
Curated by: Maja Burja


Guided tour with the artist & the curator

@Kresija Gallery, Stritarjeva ulica 6 

Lucija Rosc: The Golden Tooth 
Solo exhibition 

Curated by: Hana Čeferin


Guided tour with the artist 
@Glass Atrium, City Hall, Mestni trg 1

Sara Rman: Infinite Mirroring 
Solo exhibition 


Guided tour with artists
@Historical Atrium, City Hall, Mestni trg 1 

Rafts on Lethe River
Group exhibition

Urša Čuk, Anže Šmalc, Matej Tomažin, Jon Žagar
Curated by: Matej Tomažin


Guided tour with artists & curators
@Y Gallery, Trubarjeva ulica 79

25/7? it's only natural 
Group exhibition
Artists: Petra Korent, Jurij Hartman, Oskar Slabe, Neža Šivec, Patrik Dvorščak
Curated by: Maša Šebek, Eva Stamboldžioski


Guided tour with the curator, in English
@Jakopič Gallery, Slovenska cesta 9 

Klavdij Sluban: Elsewhere Here 
Solo exhibition 

Curated by: dr. Marija Skočir 

Registration is preferred: galerija.jakopic@mgml.si


Guided tour with the artist 
@City Art Gallery Ljubljana, Mestni trg 5

Mladen Stropnik: adijo pastry 
Survey exhibition

Curated by: Barbara Sterle Vurnik


Artist talk
@Zala Gallery, Gosposka ulica 7 

Zoran Šimunović: Pink 
Solo exhibition 

Curated by: Vida Jocif


Curated by Aleksandra Vajd

@Meeting Point: Central Market, entrance by the fishmarket 

The Artwalk with Aleksandra Vajd, internationally recognized artist and one of the most prominent creators in the field of contemporary photography, will offer a fresh insight into the local art scene. Having lived and worked abroad for many years, she will share her experiences as well as her perspective on the condition of contemporary art systems. 

Places are limited. Registration required at hello@ljubljanaartweekend.com.
Please note that Artwalk will be conducted in English.

More info


Guided tour with the artist 
@Equrna Gallery, Gregorčičeva 3a

Miha Majes: Los Caprichos (Hedonic Calculus)
Solo exhibition

Curated by: Arne Brejc


Project presentation 
@MoTA Lab, Celovška 42b

Presentation of the Nonument Group’s current projects. The Nonument Group is a multidisciplinary artist collective founded in 2011. Starting as a research group focusing on hidden, abandoned, unwanted or otherwise forgotten 20th century monuments, architecture and public spaces, the group has since carried out several artistic interventions in public spaces.


Guided tour 
@Kersnikova Institute, 4th Floor, Likozarjeva 1 

Where Dogs Run: Kerosine Chronicles. Fungus
Solo exhibition 

Curated by: Jurij Krpan, Sandra Sajovic

Dorotea Dolinšek: Biosymbiotic Exoskeleton
Solo exhibition

Curated by: Jurij Krpan

We welcome you to take a guided tour of the exhibition spaces and accompanying laboratories of the Kersnikova Institute, where bold artistic projects are being developed, and seize the opportunity to meet the international line-up of artists we are hosting in May.


Artist talk

@Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21 

Beatrice Moumdjian: Restoring From a Void. Excavation Sites and Magic Cities
Solo exhibition 

Curated by: Participants of the 19th generation of the World of Art, School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing: Lin Gerkman, Blažka Kirm, Svitlana Ryabishchuk, Vida Šturm, Neža Vengust, Lara Zupan

Artist talk by Beatrice Moumdjian about her research-based practice, forensic method and the basis of the projects shown in her solo exhibition at Škuc Gallery. 


Exhibition opening

@DobraVaga, Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 5

Boredom – exploring the common, discovering the ordinary 
Group exhibition 

Artists: Eva Anzeljc, Matic Brinc, Žan Gašperič, Lucija Klauž, Petra Korent, Jan Lavrič, Lana Požlep, Robi in Alen Predanič, Valentin Radulović, Katarina Snoj, Tim Topić
Curated by: Urška Kleindienst, Ema Kobal, Špela Pečjak

19.20 & 20.20

Matej Andraž Vogrinčič: Trip (5’)
@Cukrarna Gallery, Courtyard, Poljanski nasip 40 

The evocatively titled Trip is a happening by Matej Andraž Vogrinčič, the second part of a trilogy concerned with the mental and physical space of Cukrarna and its surroundings. For the spatial intervention On the Way, the artist used the crushed brick tiles left over from the renovation of the building, while for his new project, he collected thousands of maple seeds in the vicinity of Cukrarna over a period of almost two years. Before our eyes, the artist will transpose these so-called flying seeds, with their specific shape and ability to fly, into a suspended state of travelling around the space. The seeds will "fly out" of the time collector and attempt to elicit transience, time and travel in our minds through their poetic journey as the beginning of something new and unrepeatable.

Maximum number of participants: 30. Registration required: info@cukrarna.art.


@Space for Art NÓT, Vodnikov trg 5a

Sanja Nešković Peršin: The Moment Before (60’)
Curated by: Yasmín Martín Vodopivec

Following the traces of her earlier works, artist Sanja Nešković Peršin ventures into the most mysterious regions of artistic creation. Using performative film and live performance, she imaginatively creates a sensual cacophony, exploring in this realm the longing and trauma that inevitably accompany the deeply rooted pursuit of excellence. 


Multimedia performance: Grace
@Cirkulacija 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2

Artists: Marko Batista, Tatiana Kocmur, Tomaž Kolarič, Borut Savski, Simon Svetlik, Vlado Repnik and others


A curated screening of DIVA Station archive videos from different periods on the topic of work 

VideoGarden.14: Modus operandi
@Inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21

Artists: Nika Autor, Sara Bezovšek, Lenka Đorojević & Matej Stupica, Tomaž Furlan, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Nika Oblak & Primož Novak, Lada Cerar.
Curated by: DIVA Station team (Vesna Bukovec, Peter Cerovšek, Robert Kuret)

What are the modus operandi for survival in today's neoliberal world? Every day, we strain and rush to do many unnecessary tasks that cause us stress and pain and require physical and mental effort from us. All this to earn enough to pay the bills. We are trapped in our daily routine, locked in digital boxes, obsessed with scrolling through endless digital landscapes, horrified and simultaneously fascinated by the many disasters and the world's imminent end. Wouldn't we instead spend our time collectively building alternative paths that aren't necessarily shortcuts and doing work that has a beneficial impact on both ourselves and the community? The actual modus operandi should be solidarity. 

VideoGarden (VideoDvorišče) is a programme of curated screenings and talks on art, video, and film. In the spring-summer period we step out of the dark cinema and the cold gallery space into the open air. In collaboration with Škuc Gallery we organize screening events in its inner courtyard.

DIVA Station is an online and physical archive that SCCA-Ljubljana has been developing since 2005 with the aim of researching, documenting, archiving and presenting art film, video and new media art.

In case of rain, the screening will be held in the gallery. 


Guided bike tour 
@Assembly in front of Match Gallery, Trg francoske revolucije 7 

A guided bike tour of the venues of the 18th Lighting Guerrilla Festival: Transformation, which are scattered throughout Ljubljana, with the artist and co-curator of the festival, Nika Erjavec. 



